
Capture the Moment

What can I do with tech to improve mine or others’ educations?

Tech can have massive effects on the ability to educate and to educate oneself. In recent years we have seen many schools move more and more to technology to aid in teaching. And the pandemic has only hastened this idea. Many people find that they are able to learn better using technology whether that be due to having more resources to access, the ability to work at their own pace, or just by being comfortable and learning in their own home. I believe that tech can do all of these things and more, the only limit to your education is your own desire to learn. There are infinite sources of information and learning online that can be freely accessed by anyone with internet and a device. The only limiting factor is your own determination. I personally have used sources like KhanAcademy, code.org and even wikipedia to learn about many different topics, all for free and on my own time. To help others’, by learning more in CompSci and from other sources, I may be able to create sites and sources like the ones above in order to teach others what I have learned.


Image from iOS (1)

Image from iOS

My Favorite Piece
